Meet Ken Steven

Ken Steven is the creator of the DJTI Assessment and author of the book Dream Job Discovery.

He's also a coach, consultant, speaker, and former marketing and advertising executive for Fortune 500 companies.

Ken believes that finding a job you love is the single most important thing you can do to create lasting happiness in your life.

The Story Behind Dream Job Discovery

Ken Steven spent most of his career working in jobs he disliked, simply chasing opportunities in the corporate world for a bigger paycheck to fund a lifestyle he ultimately became too miserable to enjoy.

He'll never forget the morning, at age 34, when he couldn't drag himself out of bed because the thought of facing another workday overwhelmed him with anxiety. He was feeling stuck in a job that he absolutely hated. But he had no clue how to escape what, for him, had become a paycheck purgatory.

The problem was that he didn't know what he'd rather be doing instead. He desperately wanted to find a job he could feel passionate about doing. But he had no clue what his passion was.

Career counseling, self-assessments, and self-help books failed to uncover the answers for Ken, so he made it his mission to develop a fast and simple solution that anyone could use to accurately predict the kind of work that would be a joy to do.

After countless hours of researching, testing, and tweaking over a 16-year period, Ken succeeded in developing a revolutionary career assessment called the DreamJob Type Indicator™ or DJTI™ for short.

The DreamJob Type Indicator (DJTI) is the only professional career assessment that's designed to identify how enjoyable a job will be for you to do.

Then he wrote the book Dream Job Discovery to make it simple for anyone to gain clarity on the meaning of their assessment results and how to use them, step-by-step, to identify the job role that would be a dream for them to do.

Ken is now on a personal mission to help one million people discover and safely transition into a job that brings them joy, meaning, and fulfillment.

He believes that when you find your passion you find your joy, and when you share your passion you find your purpose.

Become Passionate and Purpose-Driven…

The Book

$12.99 / $16.99 / $33.95

  • Choose eBook, Paperback or Hardcover

  • Gain clarity on the causes of your job dissatisfaction

  • Discover the missing piece to the conventional job search model that the Dream Job model adds to bring joy and fulfillment

  • Demystify what a dream job really is and why it matters for you

  • Debunk the four biggest myths about finding your passions

  • Understand how and why your values define your authentic self

  • Explore the 21 workflow processes that comprise the DreamJob Types

  • Discover a better way to use personality, behavioral, and strength assessment results in your job search

  • Master the four steps to making your transition into a dream job stress-free

  • Find out how to crush any obstacles standing in your way of escaping paycheck purgatory to earn a passion paycheck

  • And much more…

DJTI Asssessment


  • Measure your alignment with 118 job passion values

  • Uncover the core and supporting values that predict your job passions

  • Reveal the sanctioning and character values that define your perfect job fit

  • Discover your top-3 job passion workflows – your DreamJob Types

  • Get job title suggestions to explore based on your DreamJob Types

  • Save and print out your custom DreamJob DNA Profile report

  • Be guided in interpreting your results by prompts to read relevant chapters in Dream Job Discovery

eBook + DJTI


  • Get the digital version of Dream Job Discovery for all popular eBook readers, including Kindle, Kobo, and Apple (or choose a PDF version)

  • Includes all the content that's in the Paperback or Hardcover versions

  • Gain instant online access to everything offered in the DJTI Assessment

  • Get a complete DIY solution without the cost of private coaching

"We envision a world where everyone eagerly embraces their work,

feeling passionate and purpose-driven by what they do."

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